martes, 1 de marzo de 2016


Calpurnia, Callie Vee, is a girl who lives in a village in Texas. Although her mother insists that learn to play the piano, sewing and cooking, she is more interested in what happens behind the closed door of the library, or in the laboratory of his grandfather. Gradually he will earning this gentleman somewhat reclusive and begin to collaborate with him on his observations of the natural environment, you will learn who is Darwin, what are the species and subspecies and so idiots who become older siblings when they fall in love.

Not very well how to classify this book, although placing in children's literature or otherwise in youth. What I do know is that either of these two groups will enjoy it equally.
Calpurnia is a curious girl who lives in a small town in the United States. The story unfolds from the beginning of the summer of 1899 until the end of the century. Because it is set at this time, the role of women, as well as Calpurnia is limited to housework and parenting. Calpurnia can not understand why she, unlike her brothers, must learn to cook and to weave, among other things.
The book took me back to my childhood as quickly empathized with the tender Calpurnia and came to feel despair because of the inability to change the future that comes from birth imposed by society.
The author focuses the story on the warm relationship that is created, almost by chance, between Calpurnia and his beloved grandfather, Captain Tate. He is the most knowledgeable of the people of the region even though some man branded as "crazy old man". However Calpurnia feel genuine admiration for him. She enters with his grandfather in the world of science, becoming a small naturalist.
Reading is agile and although there is a clear argument, as it may be in dystopias or mystery books, traveling with Calpurnia is moving. That's why I recommend this book, which has a second part The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate, which I'll talk later.

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